Terrible Suffering Stress Insanity MUST STOP! #emotionalhealth #emotionalintelligence #modernenergyIt's not just the PAIN and SUFFERING that people are suffering from in this terrible STRESS INSANITY. The DESTRUCTION of relationships, the crying at night because you are LONELY, because you HATE yourself, the SELF MUTILATION, the PSYCHOSOMATIC PAIN, the backaches that won't go away - all these things, it's not JUST the TERRIBLE suffering. If all these people who are suffering, if they were NOT SUFFERING, then they would be CREATING something. We are MISSING OUT on all these things these people could have and SHOULD HAVE created. THAT is the true loss to humanity, not just the suffering, but the suffering AND what was LOST. And when we put that together on a pile, we are dealing with a situation that I just can't allow to go on any longer. #shorts
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Mar 30, 2024