Antidepressants Explosion! Let's Turn The Tide (incl The Pills Less Taken)The abject failure of the current Western based medical systems to deal with EMOTIONS is the direct cause for the explosion in antidepressants prescriptions worldwide. Modern Stress Management offers a different way to assess and deal with emotional stress that puts the person back in control.
Please note: I do not advocate to not take prescription antidepressants. I advocate that, whether you take antidepressants or not, to start paying attention to how your emotional stress manifests in your life, and to start taking steps to reduce emotional stress, naturally and organically, in your own time. Try it out for yourself, it's free, super simple and super easy. Get 7 Tips for Happiness here: The Trillion Dollar Stress Solution: Modern Stress Management is here: Modern Stress Management is one of the modules in the GoE Modern Energy Foundation course which is available to all GoE Members. Support our work and join us! Let's turn the tide on entirely unnecessary suffering! ======================= 💛 FREE Quick & Simple 7 Tips For Happiness 💛 💛 FREE Illustrated eBook The Modern Energy rEvolution 💛 Join us and get the Certification Video Course in Modern Energy Foundation which includes EMO Energy In Motion, Modern Energy Tapping, SuperMind, Modern Stress Management & Star Matrix FREE here: 💛 Silvia Hartmann Modern Energy Books & Courses
Mar 12, 2023