MicroAggression Triggers & Chronic Trauma Pain

7: The problems with mobile phones & social media, political correctness and #mentalillness Pre-Order here: DragonRising.com/store/trauma_cult/
The #traumacult playlist: www.youtube.com/playlist
I've put a Modern Energy Chart here if you have never seen one: www.youtube.com/...-GiICJepn2OOmVmwE4a

#authorreads "How I Escaped The Trauma Cult" #traumacult
Chapter 7: MicroAggression Triggers Chronic Trauma Pain
00:50 Medically Unexplained Symptoms MUS & Chronic Pain
03:48 Mobile Phones Murder Meaningful Connections
07:28 Social media streams drive our energy bodies crazy
09:00 Just stressed? No, you have a mental illness! or, The Joy Of ADHD
12:18 Political Correctness Or How To Avoid Being Triggered By Trauma
16:06 Psychology is a failed Pseudo Science


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