114 Chakras, 2000 Acupuncture Points, 72000 Nadis - ONE Question!The way Modern Energy (EMO Energy In Motion) handles the invisible energy system is structurally different from the ancient oriental approaches, based on a different understanding of human intelligence and learning. Also, every person't energy body is already entirely unique at the moment of conception, and becomes more and more "personalised" with every life experience thereafter. In short, NO MAP of anyone's energy system has ever been drawn, or could ever be drawn. I hold that we need to address the living energy body of every real person in real time, so we are dealing with what's actually really there. This is probably what makes Modern Energy so much more effective, as well as saving 30 years of sitting in the basement of a temple, rocking and back and forth. Which I consider to be a bonus! :-)
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Jan 23, 2023