11: The Star Of Hope (How I Escaped The Trauma Cult)

How I got angry at Psychology, how the global panic pandemic made everything worse, the truth about PEOPLE MAGIC and how I finally found my Star of Hope! #emotionalhealth #mentalhealth #authorreads #traumacult Pre-Order here: DragonRising.com/store/trauma_cult/

The #traumacult playlist: www.youtube.com/playlist

I've put a Modern Energy Chart here if you have never seen one: www.youtube.com/...-GiICJepn2OOmVmwE4a
Chapter 11: The Star Of Hope

00:00 Welcome & Overview by Silvia Hartmann
00:40 Chapter 11- The Star Of Hope
02:10 Modern Stress Management
03:29 Star Matrix Raises The Energy AVERAGE
04:45 How I Became Angry At Psychology
06:09 The Catastrophe In Slow Motion
08:86 The Attack On The Human Spirit
12:00 Psychology Is A Failed Field
15:10 Psychology Does NOT Stand On The Shoulders Of Giants!!!
17:05 I Have Had ENOUGH!
17:55 In Order To Ascend, You Have To ASCEND
18:53 The Good Therapists In The BAD Trauma Cult
22:29 The 1st Victims Of The Trauma Cult Are The Therapists
23:29 The Terror Of The Therapists (AND Their Clients!)
25:19 EVERYTHING CHANGES (when you escape the Trauma Cult)
26:20 Walking In The Miracle Zone
30:23 Love Is All We Need - And Star Matrix IS The Way!


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